Works Index

Artworks and exhibitions by Katie Thomas

Click on the thumbnails below.


Works from 2023

Works not exhibited 2020 - 2022

Works from 2020 - 2022 not found in any exhibitions


Selected works from exhibition “Quiet Life” at PG Gallery, Christchurch

Given the chaos of the last 18 months, I'm increasingly appreciative of being able to work outside in some very beautiful gardens.
The peace afforded by working in silence and watching the undaunted life-cycle of nature through the seasons, leaves an indelible mark on my work in the studio.
Much of this body of work is influenced by the season in which I have more available studio time - Namely Winter; frosty and foggy, clear and clouded. Bare branches against pale skies, and the certain stillness which promises new life.

'...make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, and attend to your own business, and work with your hands...'
1 Thessalonians 4:11


Selected works from exhibition “Places of Rest” at Chambers, 2019

Fading Forward 2018 - 900 x 1800mm - acrylic, oil, wax on canvas

Fading Forward 2018 - 900 x 1800mm - acrylic, oil, wax on canvas

Fading Forward 2018 - detail

Fading Forward 2018 - detail

Flower Fall 2019 - 1120 x 1450mm - acrylic and oil on paper

Flower Fall 2019 - 1120 x 1450mm - acrylic and oil on paper

Flower Fall 2019 - detail

Flower Fall 2019 - detail

Garden Companion (Fantail) 2018 - 900 x 2000mm - acrylic, oil, crayon on canvas

Garden Companion (Fantail) 2018 - 900 x 2000mm - acrylic, oil, crayon on canvas

Garden Companion (Fantail) 2018 - detail

Garden Companion (Fantail) 2018 - detail

Places of Rest 2018 - 1700 x 1800mm - acrylic, oil, wax on canvas

Places of Rest 2018 - 1700 x 1800mm - acrylic, oil, wax on canvas

Places of Rest 2018 - detail

Places of Rest 2018 - detail

Pleasant Dreaming 2018 - 900 x 2000mm - acrylic, oil, wax on canvas

Pleasant Dreaming 2018 - 900 x 2000mm - acrylic, oil, wax on canvas

Pleasant Dreaming 2018 - detail

Pleasant Dreaming 2018 - detail

Rising 2018 - 1700 x 1800mm - acrylic, oil, wax on canvas

Rising 2018 - 1700 x 1800mm - acrylic, oil, wax on canvas

Rising 2018 - detail

Rising 2018 - detail

Strength To Strength 2019 - 1120 x 1440mm - acrylic, oil, wax on paper

Strength To Strength 2019 - 1120 x 1440mm - acrylic, oil, wax on paper

Strength To Strength 2019 - detail

Strength To Strength 2019 - detail

Wing and Song 2019 - 1120 x 1440mm - acrylic, oil, wax on paper

Wing and Song 2019 - 1120 x 1440mm - acrylic, oil, wax on paper

Wing and Song 2019 - detail

Wing and Song 2019 - detail

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ

2019 "Places of Rest" exhibition at Chambers, Christchurch, NZ


Selected works from exhibition "Surface Deep" 
at Chambers, 2017

2016 Works

2015 Works

Selected works from exhibition "Considering Daylight" 
at Chambers@241   2015

First Thursdays pop-up show "Dirty Laundry"
Feb. 2015

Pop-up Show "Works on Paper"
at The Colombo 2014

"Fading Into Life" exhibition
at Gallery Thirty Three, Wanaka 2014

Works from exhibition "Living Realms"
at Bath Street Gallery 2014

Group show "It's Not Dry Yet" 
exhibited at Chambers@241 Gallery,  2014

Selected works from exhibition "Garden"
at Chambers@241 Gallery, 2013

Selected works from 2013

Selected works from exhibition "The Seventh Day"
at Bath Street Gallery 2012

Selected works from Masters show "Travelling Light"
at SOFA Gallery 2011

Selected works from exhibition "As I See It"
at Chambers@241 Gallery 2011

Selected works from 2009

Selected works from solo exhibition "Between the Lines"
at Bath Street Gallery 2008

Selected works from solo exhibition "Look Again"
at Campbell Grant Galleries 2008

Selected works from solo exhibition "Casting Purls"
at Campbell Grant Galleries 2006

Selected works from solo exhibition "Dwell"
at Campbell Grant Galleries 2004

Selected works from solo exhibition "Walk The Day"
at Campbell Grant Galleries 2003