Extract from review...

Brilliant detail to plain abstraction

By TJ McNamara-  Weekend Herald,  Saturday Mar 24, 2012
(article source)

The paintings by Katie Thomas called The Seventh Day at the Bath Street Gallery are abstract but full of natural colour and dancing sunlight expressed in paint rhythmically and intricately applied. Paintings like Little Voices and the matching Nectar have layer after layer of paint under a slick of silver which is the background to branching shapes and a pattern of leaves. The leaves are cut-outs put in place when the top layers were painted, then taken off so the underlying colour is revealed. More dripped lines of paint are applied to envelop the work in an intricate mesh, which adds texture.

The show has a joyfulness reflected in the title of the painting in the window called Wake Up Laughing.

The paintings are given individuality by varying the rhythms of the lacework of lines, which have a remote ancestor in the work of Jackson Pollock. Tumble is full of falling movement and the hints of leafy shape have autumnal colours. The charming Dancing in the Shadows has a rich texture and the rhythm goes across the painting. Dance movement is seen in Swarm but the lines are looping rather than networked. This is an exceptionally rich exhibition with delicacy in the detail and charm at a distance.